
We have a lot of ideas and features we want to implement in the app. Sadly this takes time to do! So we have created this page to let you know what we’re cooking up to enhance the app. You are more than welcome to also send us suggestions of features you would like to see in the app.

Planned Features

This is some of the features (we have lots of ideas!), we would like to see added to the app in the near future (so like in the next 6 months or so). These items are no particaular order whatsoever!

  1. Change your email address.
  2. Add a sighting directly from the Aircraft Information page.
  3. Search the map for a location by name.
  4. Save draft sightings, so you can quickly make a note of a sighting, then edit and post them later.
  5. Group Sightings, if there are multiple sightings of an aircraft at a similar location within a similar time, then group them together.
  6. Events. We want you to see any upcoming events around the world. Would be great to see any upcoming spotter meet-ups or airshows.
  7. Edit Photos. Edit photos when adding them to the sightings.

Nice to Have’s

This is a list of features we would love to have in the app, but are not as a high priority for us right now, or might not be possible right now for some reason.

  1. Followers and following. Keep an eye on what your friends are spotting!
  2. Photos, photos and more photos. We would like to see many photos of aircraft and sightings.
  3. Available on macOS and Windows. Would be great to be able to run the app anywhere!